Life is a Sacred Mystery

 “What you are looking for is already in you.”

— Thich Naht Hanh

With a still mind and a quiet heart, we become open to the wisdom within where peace awaits.

Sandra creates space with you to explore your concerns, uncover insight, imagery, and the opportunity to create clarity and understanding.

With non-judgmental curiosity, Sandra works with you…

  • to clarify the deeper roots of your concern

  • to explore imagery and language to help deepen insight to create movement and change

  • to strengthen understanding of circumstances and next steps to move towards peace

  • to set the stage for your healing to start from within

A Free Gift For You!

Mountain Meditation

A meditation to activate the heart chakra and enhance feelings of inner peace love & joy.

“I’ve had several reads with Sandra and I always come away with such a sense of deep peace, connectedness and inspiration.”

There is Possibility

Call Sandra today to begin the rewarding journey of connecting to your inner wisdom.